Nutrition Counselling + Support


Holistic Nutrition is an approach that encompasses the whole person; what you eat, how you eat it, your stress levels, mental health, and your overall lifestyle. Hence the term, “holistic”. These packages are designed to offer you and your family an opportunity to virtually meet with our Holistic Nutritionist Adrienne and have an in-depth consultation to help develop a practical and effective guide that supports your health goals.


mental health support package - $200

We may not think of what we eat when we think about our mental health, but research in this area is showing emerging links between nutrition and a variety of mental health conditions.

Our food choices play a large role in how our body optimally functions, no matter our age. Certain foods and nutrients may be able to help with certain behaviours and symptoms that are impacting your or your child’s quality of life

This program is recommended for families who may be navigating:

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Burnout

  • High stress levels

What is included:

  • 1x 60-minute initial consultation 

  • 2x 30-minute follow up sessions 

  • Add ons: custom 7-day meal plan, recipe ebook, detailed health protocol, additional session at the regular hourly rate of $45/hr


Prenatal + postpartum support package - $170

Pregnancy and postpartum are incredibly transformative times, both emotionally and physically. Our bodies naturally can become depleted after these intense changes. Fatigue, low energy, muscle aches and pains, breast and body feeding, parenting another child or children, and interrupted sleep are just some of the things parents have to deal with on a daily basis.

It is important that we support our bodies with nourishing foods and vital nutrients to help us recover from the energy expenditure of pregnancy, birth, and parenting in order to feel our best.

This program is recommended for:

  • any stage of pregnancy or postpartum

  • preparing for another pregnancy

  • pregnant and parenting a toddler or other children

What is included:

  • 1 x 60-minute initial consultation

  • 1 x 30 minute follow up session 

  • Add ons: custom 7 day meal plan, recipe ebook, detailed health protocol, additional session at the regular hourly rate


nutrition for busy families package -$125

Navigating nutrition and eating with kids can be a challenge. Maybe you’re running out of ideas for mealtimes or struggle with “picky” eating. As parents, it can be hard to find the time and energy to plan meals and snacks for the week. Working together we can create practical strategies to:

  • Encourage a healthy relationship with food for the whole family

  • Find simple ways to add nutrition to what you are already eating

  • Make mealtimes less stressful and more enjoyable

You will get:

  • 1x 60-minute initial consultation to determine family food and meal preferences, allergies, level of cooking knowledge, etc

  • 1 custom digital 7-day meal plan and 1 recipe ebook based on your preferences

If you are interested in additional specialized services, Adrienne also offers holistic prenatal, postpartum care as well as childbirth education classes. For more information visit here.

Adrienne’s services may be covered under some insurance plans. Coverage would be eligible under Nutrition, Nutritionist, or Nutrition Counselling.