

We provide interactive workshops on various topics that affect children, youth and parents. These workshops are intended to be interactive and involve discussion and activities with the participants. They can take place in person or virtually for workplaces, daycares, schools, the community or even in your home (think meaningful conversations, support, friends, drinks, and snacks!).

Examples of just some of the topics offered include:

Parent Series
Managing expectations, the importance of fostering emotional intelligence, aggression/anger, understanding and supporting toddler emotions, preparing for kindergarten, parenting an anxious child, supporting tweens and youth through challenges, co parenting for success, technology and social media, daily parenting struggles, mindfulness for families.  

Youth Series
Wellness, self care, consent, goal setting, emotions, relationships, boundaries, communication, time management, understanding and managing anxiety, mindfulness, life skills, social skills, mindfulness.

Child Series
Social skills, mindfulness, emotions, understanding and managing anxiety, making friends, and mindfulness.  


“Working with Eva here at our youth shelter has been truly amazing. Eva has provided a few workshops for our organization on self-care, wellness and mental health. Our youth has benefited tremendously on the wealth of knowledge that Eva demonstrates in this field and it was a pleasure working with her. I look forward in working with her again in the near future as our youth thoroughly enjoyed each moment with her.”

— Programming Coordinator, Eva’s Phoenix

"Eva is an amazing professional, dedicated and knowledgeable, yet approachable and down to earth. She brings passion and in depth knowledge to our youth wellness workshop. The workshops are very dynamic and interactive, the participants really enjoy it as they have real life examples to relate to and they leave with a tool box that will help them through life."

– Branca, Director at Skillfully

At Wellnest we build workshops to meet your needs. If you have something in mind or need help coming up with topics you’d like covered please contact us for a free consultation so we can create something unique.